So, Youre Having A Baby!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

How To Pick A Baby Name

The Dr. told you you’re going to have a baby. There are a million things going through your head and the smallest is choosing your babies name. In this article I would like to help you a bit by giving you some pointers on some baby names.

1. The first and probably most important point that I have is that you should take your time. The name you choose has to be with your child for the rest of their lives so rushing will only affect them in the long run. You want to keep looking for a name until you are 150 percent happy. Remember you have 9 months and I know many parents who waited a month after the birth to finally decide on a name. You have to remember this has to be the perfect name.
2. The next point I also think is very important. Lots of parents don’t care but I think knowing what your child’s name means is absolutely necessary. Then there are the parents who base their child’s name solely on the meaning. Why I think its important is because you don’t want your child having a meaning that doesn’t suit him or her. What if your son grows up to be 6 foot 3, 280 pound high school football player and his name means little pretty red rose?
3. You have a long time to try names out. If you have a few names that you might think will work use them for a week at a time during the pregnancy. Instead of referring to your unborn child as he or she use a name. Use the name in sentences and everything else that refers to your yet unborn child. See how it rolls off your tongue. Another thing to do is write it down. Sometimes a name on paper flows greatly but sounds terrible when spoken.

At the end of the day you and your spouse have to make the decision. You will have many people trying to sway your decisions like you should name your child after a great uncle that died in the war. This is absolutely not necessary. I promise you no one will think any different of you once you do decide on a name. If the dead uncle or whatever really becomes an issue than you could consider it as a middle name but only if you really believe it’s important enough.

Dale Mazurek

Dale has been a father for 21 years and he is also a professional writer who uses blogging to get his points out on many different subjects. You can check some of these out at or and

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