So, Youre Having A Baby!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

How To Pick A Babies Soap

If you pick the wrong soap it can be harmful to your baby’s skin. In this article I intend on giving you some pointers on how to choose the right soap for your baby.

Many people don’t understand that there are many different types of soap. And when it comes to baby soaps that’s another story. You worry about so many different things at bath time. You wonder if the water is the right temperature. You hope you are holding the baby right. Everything is slippery and you don’t want to let your baby slip. So with all this to worry about you shouldn’t worry about keeping your baby’s skin soft and safe.

Of course you want to do the best for your baby and of course you want your baby to be healthy. By keeping the child’s skin healthy that will go a long way towards maintaining the health of your baby. So in saying that I have a few points to find the right soap.

You need soap that is gentle
The soap should be hypoallergenic
The soap needs to be non-toxic
The soap should definitely be SLS free

It’s so important to make sure the baby soap is very gentle so that it is not irritating to your baby’s skin during bath time. Bath time is supposed to be pleasant so let’s keep it that way. At this young age you don’t know what your baby is allergic to yet so it’s very important to use hypoallergenic soap. Babies are always putting their hands and toes in their mouths so that’s why it’s very important to use soap that’s non toxic. It will give you peace of mind to know that if your baby does swallow some soap no harm will be done. Sodium Laurel Sulphate is a very harsh chemical used to help your soap foam. In some soaps the SLS has damaged immune systems and it has inflamed skin. Now I am absolutely positive this is something you don’t want to expose your baby to.

It’s not odd for your baby to develop the occasional bump or rash in the first few weeks and months. Most of these will come and go naturally but by all means if you have some concerns then you should see your doctor.

I would recommend using natural baby soap. These soaps are only made from natural ingredients. These ingredients insure that your babies skin will remain soft and safe. For many things natural soaps can even help to soothe rashes or small skin irritations.

Dale Mazurek
Dale has been a father for 21 years and he is also a professional writer who uses blogging to get his points out on many different subjects. You can check some of these out at or and

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